Friday, January 2, 2015

Catching up with Fuzzy Llama

Fuzzy Llama has been very busy and now has a little free time to catch up. :D

Monday, May 13, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fuzzy llama mania!!

Fuzzy llama

Fuzzy llama with some pretty flowers.

Fuzzy llama shocked by a mini whirlpool. 

Fuzzy llama by a BIG puddle

Fuzzy llama by a little-ish puddle.

Fuzzy llama at APACHE.

Fuzzy llama meets Bill Jack (and a fuzzy llama friend!)

Watch out fuzzy llama!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Warm welcomes from your fuzzy llama friends! 

If you have ever heard of flat Stanley, then you pretty much already know what this is. It is an online way to share where people have been. We don't use paper people though, we use fuzzy llamas! Make a llama in sign language and take a picture with the llama out of focus. You have created your fuzzy llama! I will be posting pictures of any fuzzy llamas that I receive. 

I hope you enjoy and welcome again to Fuzzy Llama Lovers!!